Here are pancake recipes for each of the doshas. I should warn you that if you are looking for a "bisquix" recipe, you will be a bit disappointed. But believe it or not, there was life (and pancakes) before bisquix. Frankly, I like these much better. While these recipes won't produce the "fluffy" pancakes so many people are used to, the flavor of these delicious breakfast goodies far outweighs the fluffy factor in my book.
Vata: Rice or wheat flour, 2 eggs, milk, 2 tbsp. ground almonds or almond extract
Pitta: Oat or rice flour, milk or soy milk, sesame seeds
Kapha: Buckwheat or soy flour, coconut milk, ground coconut
For all doshas: place 2 cups flour in a bowl, and stir in remaining ingredients in order listed, until you have a nice medium thick batter. Fry in a non-stick pan using ghee in dosha appropriate amounts.
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