Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Getting kids to eat healthy

Okay, so this post isn't specifically about Ayurveda. But getting kids to eat their veggies can be tough whether you are living the Ayurvedic lifestyle or not. So what's the trick?

Well, for those of you who are new parents, please see my post on "Making your own baby food". Giving our kids REAL food, instead of the yucky manufactured stuff is the first step. We can't expect our kids to enjoy good healthy food if we start them out with nothing but the processed stuff. Think of it as "culture shock".

Just remember, the funny faces your baby makes don't mean he/she doesn't like what you are giving them. It's just your child getting used to new textures and flavors. You'll know if they truly don't like something because they will either cry, or they won't open their mouth. But if it's just the funny faces, and they keep opening their mouths for more, keep going. You have to get them used to different foods.

That said, if your kids are older and you need to find creative ways to get them to eat their veggies and other healthy foods, here are a few ideas.

  • When making rice, mix the rice with half white and half brown. The kids will never know the difference, and you'll feel better knowing they are at least getting some whole grains.

  • Make your saturday morning pancakes with whole wheat pastry flour. (See my post on pancakes for an easy, "from scratch" recipe. Your kids will love them!

  • Serving a meal with sauce, such as spagetti? Steam a few pieces of veggies, put them through the blender, and add them to the sauce. Your kids won't be able to tell the difference.

  • Put some steamed veggies through the blender with a little butter and milk. I loved this growing up. My grandmother always did this for me. It worked every time. It was like a thick and tasty veggie soup.

All in all, you just have to NOT give your kids a choice. Because, given a choice, they will ALWAYS go for the junkfood. As a parent, it's up to you to make sure they make healthy choices. Lessons that will last a lifetime.

Natural First Aid for Spider Bites

It's definitely summer. The spiders are out in force in my house. I've never been able to stop it, and I don't want to spray a ton of chemicals in my home to kill them either. I did a little research on natural first aid and here's what I found:

  • Clean the wound with soap and water. Then apply a natural "antibiotic" ointment.

  • Add 8-10 drops of tea tree oil to a quart of ice water. Soak a clean cotton cloth or cotton ball in the mixture and apply as a compress for 15 minutes up to 4 times a day.

Echinacea is effective for wounds and stings. Take 250-500 mg every two to three hours for the first day, then three or four times daily until the swelling subsides — up to five days.

Apply fresh Aloe Vera to the bite if you have access to an aloe plant.

Try to identify the spider that bit you. The only truly dangerous spiders are black widows and brown recluses. If one of those has bit you, seek medical treatment immediately.

Enjoy a "spider-bite-free" summer!