Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The act of kindness

The act of kindness comes in many forms. From holding a door open for an elderly person, to cooking dinner for a neighbor who is sick in bed, kindness is good for the soul.

When I was pregnant, I remember being extra aware of the kindness of strangers. While I was a bit oversensitive, I would get very upset if I saw somebody who was not being kind. I distinctly remember an elderly woman who was struggling with a heavy door in a doctor's office. Several people looked up to watch her struggle, but nobody got up to help her. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore, and I managed to un-wedge my very pregnant self from the chair I was sitting in, to go help her. To this day, I wonder if those people who watched ever felt any remorse for not helping.

An act of kindness can be so small, and yet, it can mean the world to someone. I would have appreciated the help of a neighbor in mowing my lawn when I was 7 months pregnant. Instead, they went about mowing their own lawns, and just waved. It would have taken them 15 minutes to help me out (I was obviously struggling with the heavy lawn mower). But they didn't.

I know this sounds like I'm just complaining, but I'm actually trying to make a point. If you can be in a state of consciousness, ever day, that allows you to take notice of the human plight, what a wonderful state of consciousness to be in. I think, that in our busy lives, we forget that it is an honor to help another human being. Whether it be a family member, friend or stranger.

If you meditate, try meditating on kindness, and see what happens. I think you'll find that your world becomes a very different place, full of possibilities.

To quote the famous movie.... always remember to "pay it forward". You will be paid back in ways you never imagined.


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