Thursday, July 17, 2008

Make your own baby food

It always amazes me how much money people will spend on all those jars of baby food every week. Not only is the food inside those jars barely passable as food, but it's expensive! You spend all that money, and your baby just isn't getting the natural nutrition that regular, healthy food can provide.

Not convinced? Consider this:

  • The government allows a certain amount of rat feces to be present in baby food. (you can find the legal amounts in reports at your local library)

  • They boil the food to death to sterilize it, cooking out all the natural vitamins and minerals, and then add them back in with the bottled version.

  • While organic baby food is better, it still goes through the same processes of manufacturing, and still as an allotment for rat feces.

  • Babies tend to eat much more of the jar food simply because their little bodies are trying to get the nutrients they need. So they get more empty calories, contributing to the raise in childhood obesity.

So if that has you convinced at last, here is the solution. Make your own baby food! It's cheap, easy, quick and healthy. Here's what you do.

  1. Steam a bag of veggies like you would for your own dinner.

  2. Put them in a bowl (for hand blender) or blender.

  3. Blend with enough distilled water to achieve the consistency of baby food.

  4. That's it!

If you want fruit, simply peel, and run through the blender with distilled water.

If you have a hand blender, the cleanup is even easier. If you really want to go the healthier route, try buying organic fruits veggies. And if your Ayurvedic practitioner has prescribed dosha specific food for your baby, use those fruits and veggies.

It's so easy!

Note:Babies need a chance to get used to this food if they are just starting to eat, or have been eating the jarred stuff. If they make funny faces, it does NOT mean they don't like it. It's just their natural reaction to new flavors and textures. You know your baby doesn't like something when he won't open his mouth, or cries when you give him a certain food. But if he/she is only making funny faces, and continues to open their mouth for more food, then continue to give it to them. After a while, the funny faces will disappear.

1 comment:

Getting kids to eat healthy « Personal Alchemy said...

[...] for those of you who are new parents, please see my post on “Making your own baby food“. Giving our kids REAL food, instead of the yucky manufactured stuff is the first step. We [...]